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How to Best Use Online Resources for IELTS Speaking Test Practice [2023]

Maximize your IELTS Speaking Test preparation with online resources, including reputable websites, interactive tools, video lessons, and mock tests. Achieve your desired score!

Preparing for the IELTS Speaking Test can be a daunting task, especially if you’re not sure where to begin.

Luckily, there are numerous online resources available that can help you improve your speaking skills and achieve your desired IELTS score.

In this article, we will discuss how to make the most of these resources for your IELTS Speaking Test practice.

1. Understand the Test format and requirements

Before diving into online resources, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of the IELTS Speaking Test format and scoring details. Familiarize yourself with the three parts of the test, the types of questions you may encounter, and the criteria used to assess your performance.

This foundational knowledge will help you tailor your practice sessions and utilize online resources effectively.

2. Find reputable websites and platforms

With countless websites and platforms offering IELTS Speaking Test practice materials, it’s crucial to select reputable sources to ensure high-quality content. Some popular options include:

  • Official IELTS websites and partners – IDP is a good place to start, since they run the test
  • Renowned language learning platforms – Duolingo is a good option
  • IELTS preparation courses – we like IeltsLiz the most
  • YouTube channels created by experienced IELTS trainers – E2, IELTS Advantage, TED-IELTS and Keith Speaking Academy are all decent starting points
  • Mock tests and overall improvement platforms – Kandor, hands down, is the best for this

Remember to choose resources that cover a wide range of topics, question types, and skill levels to make your practice as comprehensive as possible.

3. Utilize interactive practice tools

One of the main advantages of online resources is the availability of interactive practice tools. These tools can provide instant feedback on your performance and help you identify areas for improvement.

Examples of interactive practice tools include:

  • Online speaking simulators
  • Speech recognition software
  • Voice recording apps

Incorporate these tools into your practice routine to track your progress and refine your speaking skills.

4. Participate in online forums and discussion groups

Joining online forums and discussion groups dedicated to IELTS preparation can be an excellent way to share tips, ask questions, and find encouragement from fellow test-takers.

Platforms like Facebook, Reddit, and Quora offer numerous IELTS-related communities where you can engage in conversations, exchange resources, and seek advice.

These communities can also help you find IELTS Speaking partners to practice with, allowing you to simulate real test conditions and receive valuable feedback on your speaking skills.

5. Watch video lessons and tutorials

Visual learners can benefit from watching video lessons and tutorials created by experienced IELTS trainers. These videos often cover specific aspects of the IELTS Speaking Test, such as:

Be sure to take notes during these lessons and apply the tips and strategies to your practice sessions.

6. Attend online workshops and webinars

Many IELTS preparation websites and platforms offer online workshops and webinars, where you can learn from experienced instructors in real-time. These events often focus on specific topics, such as:

Attending these workshops and webinars can provide valuable insights and strategies for improving your IELTS Speaking Test performance.

Be sure to take advantage of any opportunities to ask questions and interact with the instructors.

7. Take advantage of free online resources

There are plenty of free online resources available to help you improve your IELTS Speaking skills, including:

  • Sample test questions
  • Practice exercises
  • Video lessons
  • Podcasts
  • Blog articles

Explore these resources and incorporate them into your study plan to ensure a well-rounded preparation experience.

8. Use mock tests to simulate exam conditions

Taking IELTS Speaking mock tests is an essential part of your preparation. Mock tests can help you familiarize yourself with the test format, develop effective time management strategies, and identify any areas where you need to focus your efforts.

Many websites and platforms offer free mock tests, which can be a cost-effective way to improve your speaking skills. Be sure to review your performance after each mock test and use the feedback to refine your approach.

9. Customize your practice sessions

As you practice for the IELTS Speaking Test, it’s essential to tailor your sessions to your specific needs and goals. For example, if you struggle with fluency or pronunciation, focus on resources that target those areas.

Likewise, if you need help with certain question types or topics, seek out resources that address those specific challenges.

10. Create a consistent study schedule

Consistency is key when it comes to IELTS Speaking Test preparation. Establish a study schedule that incorporates a variety of online resources and stick to it as much as possible.

This will help you build your skills progressively and ensure that you’re well-prepared for the test.

In conclusion, making the most of online resources for IELTS Speaking Test practice involves understanding the test format, selecting reputable resources, engaging with interactive tools, participating in online communities, and customizing your practice sessions.

By combining these strategies with a consistent study schedule, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle the IELTS Speaking Test with confidence.
