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9 Tips to utilise the superb benefits of Mock IELTS Speaking Tests [2023]

Discover the benefits of taking mock IELTS Speaking Tests, including improved time management, enhanced speaking skills, and increased confidence for your desired score.

Preparing for the IELTS Speaking Test can be a daunting task, but one effective way to improve your chances of success is by taking mock tests.

In this How-to article, we will delve deeper into the benefits of taking mock IELTS Speaking Tests and how they can help you achieve your desired score.

We’ll also provide valuable tips on making the most of these practice sessions.

1. Familiarization with the test format

The IELTS Speaking Test consists of three parts, each with its own unique structure and question types. By taking mock tests, you become familiar with the test format, which can help alleviate any anxiety or confusion on test day.

Part 1 – Introduction and interview (4-5 minutes)

Part 2 – Long turn (3-4 minutes)

Part 3 – Discussion (4-5 minutes)

Becoming well-acquainted with the format not only reduces stress but also enables you to plan your answers more effectively.

Most students face challenges which can be easily solved by being more well equipped with the exact details of the test. By understanding the structure of each part, you can allocate the right amount of time and effort to specific sections, ensuring well-rounded responses that showcase your language skills.

2. Improved time management skills

Time management is crucial in the IELTS Speaking Test, as you are given a limited amount of time to answer each question. Taking mock tests can help you develop effective time management strategies, ensuring you’re able to provide well-rounded answers without running out of time.

In a simulated test environment, you can practice pacing yourself, organizing your thoughts, and delivering concise, coherent responses.

Over time, you’ll become adept at managing the allotted time, which will prove invaluable during the actual test.

3. Enhanced speaking and communication skills

Practicing your speaking skills in a simulated test environment allows you to refine your language abilities, including fluency, pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary. Regular practice can lead to significant improvements in your overall communication skills.

Mock tests enable you to receive feedback on various aspects of your speaking, such as clarity, coherence, and accuracy.

By addressing these issues and adjusting your speaking style accordingly, you’ll be better equipped to excel in the actual test.

4. Identification of areas for improvement

Mock tests provide an opportunity to identify your strengths and weaknesses, allowing you to focus on areas that need improvement. By analysing your performance in each part of the test, you can pinpoint any issues with your speaking pace, intonation, or even body language, and work on them before the actual test.

With this targeted approach, you can ensure that you’re addressing all aspects of your speaking abilities and making the most of your preparation time.

5. Development of strategies for answering difficult questions

IELTS Speaking Test questions can be challenging, and it’s important to have a plan for tackling them. Mock tests enable you to practice for difficult questions and gain confidence in your ability to handle any topic that comes your way.

By repeatedly encountering various question types, you can experiment with different approaches and techniques to determine which ones work best for you.

This process will help you develop a personalised strategy for navigating challenging questions, enabling you to present well-thought-out and coherent answers.

6. Building confidence

Taking mock tests can significantly build your confidence in your speaking abilities. As you become more comfortable with the test format and your skills improve, your self-assurance will grow, leading to a better performance on test day.

Confidence plays a crucial role in the IELTS Speaking Test, as it impacts not only your language skills but also your overall demeanor and presentation.

A confident speaker is more likely to engage the examiner and convey their ideas effectively, resulting in a higher score.

7. Exposure to a variety of question topics

IELTS Speaking Test questions cover a wide range of topics, and it’s important to be prepared for anything. Mock tests expose you to different subjects, allowing you to practice discussing various themes and expanding your vocabulary and general knowledge in the process.

By broadening your exposure to diverse topics, you’ll be better equipped to tackle any question that comes your way during the actual test, ensuring a well-rounded performance.

8. Opportunity for feedback and improvement

Mock tests provide a valuable opportunity to receive feedback from experienced examiners or tutors, who can help you identify areas for improvement and offer guidance on how to enhance your speaking skills. By incorporating their feedback into your preparation, you can address any issues and further hone your abilities.

Consider seeking out tutor preparation tips to make the most of your mock test experiences and receive expert advice on how to refine your speaking skills.

9. Preparation for test day

Lastly, taking mock IELTS Speaking Tests helps you prepare for the actual test day. By simulating the test environment and familiarizing yourself with the process, you’ll reduce test day anxiety and feel more at ease when it’s time to take the real exam.

Make sure to review test day tips to ensure you’re fully prepared and ready to perform at your best during the IELTS Speaking Test.

Where to take Speaking Mock Tests?

While there are many options available to take such mock tests, sites like Ieltsonlinetests, Writing9, Smalltalk, etc. are good starting points.

But none of them come close to matching the speed and accuracy of band score and feedback from Kandor. Kandor’s proprietary software runs on AI and gives accurate feedback in as little as 15 seconds, with zero room for human error.

Modelled after IDP‘s own heuristics and scoring methodology, Kandor’s platform is the fastest and most efficient way that you can use mock tests to practice, to improve your band score.

In conclusion, mock IELTS Speaking Tests offer numerous benefits, from familiarising you with the test format and improving your language skills to boosting your confidence and preparing you for test day.

By incorporating mock tests into your preparation routine, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your desired IELTS score.
