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How to make super use of Linking Words and Phrases in the IELTS Speaking Test [2023]

Master linking words & phrases for IELTS Speaking Test success. Enhance coherence, fluency, and language proficiency to achieve a high band score with our tips.

Linking words and phrases play a crucial role in the IELTS Speaking Test, as they help you connect your ideas, enhance the coherence of your speech, and demonstrate a higher level of English proficiency.

In this article, we’ll explore the importance of linking words and phrases, provide examples of various types, and offer tips on using them effectively during the test.

By mastering the art of linking words and phrases, you’ll be better equipped to achieve a high band score in the IELTS Speaking Test.

1. The Importance of Linking Words and Phrases

Using linking words and phrases effectively is essential for achieving a high score in the IELTS Speaking Test. They serve several important functions:

  • Connect ideas: Linking words help you establish relationships between your ideas, creating a logical flow that makes your speech easier to understand and more coherent.
  • Enhance fluency: By smoothly transitioning between ideas, linking words contribute to your overall fluency in English, which is one of the key criteria on which you’ll be assessed during the Speaking Test.
  • Demonstrate language proficiency: The strategic use of linking words and phrases showcases your ability to manipulate the English language effectively and indicates a higher level of proficiency.

You can always refer to the IDP rubrics to get a better idea of how to improve use of such connectors to improve.

2. Types of Linking Words and Phrases

There are several types of linking words and phrases that you can use in the IELTS Speaking Test to connect your ideas and enhance your speech. These can be grouped into the following categories:

  1. Addition: Used to add information or present similar ideas.
  2. Contrast: Used to present contrasting or opposing ideas.
  3. Cause and effect: Used to show the cause of an event or the consequences of an action.
  4. Sequence: Used to show the order of events or steps in a process.
  5. Examples: Used to provide examples that support your points.
  6. Emphasis: Used to stress the importance of a particular point or idea.
  7. Conclusion: Used to summarize your ideas or signal the end of a discussion.

3. Examples of Linking Words and Phrases

Let’s take a look at some examples of linking words and phrases for each category mentioned above:


  • and
  • in addition
  • moreover
  • furthermore
  • also


  • however
  • on the other hand
  • in contrast
  • while
  • nevertheless

Cause and Effect

  • because
  • as a result
  • consequently
  • due to
  • therefore


  • first(ly)
  • second(ly)
  • then
  • next
  • finally


  • for example
  • for instance
  • such as
  • in particular
  • to illustrate


  • indeed
  • in fact
  • especially
  • importantly
  • significantly


  • in conclusion
  • to sum up
  • overall
  • in summary

4. Tips for Using Linking Words and Phrases Effectively

To make the most of linking words and phrases in the IELTS Speaking Test, follow these tips:

  1. Practice using them in context: Incorporate linking words and phrases into your everyday conversations and IELTS speaking practice to become more comfortable using them naturally. This will help you use them effectively during the test.
  2. Vary your linking words: To demonstrate a wide range of language skills, use different linking words and phrases rather than repeating the same ones. This can also help you avoid sounding repetitive or monotonous. Familiarize yourself with various linking words from each category to have a diverse vocabulary at your disposal.
  3. Ensure relevance: Make sure the linking words and phrases you use are relevant to the relationship between the ideas you’re connecting. Using inappropriate linking words can confuse the listener and negatively affect your coherence and cohesion score.
  4. Don’t overuse linking words: While it’s important to use linking words and phrases, be careful not to overuse them. Overusing linking words can make your speech sound unnatural and forced. Strike a balance between using linking words effectively and maintaining natural speech patterns.
  5. Combine linking words with appropriate intonation: Linking words are more effective when combined with the right intonation, as it helps emphasise the relationship between your ideas. Practice your intonation to make your speech sound more engaging and coherent.

5. Avoiding Common Mistakes

When using linking words and phrases in the IELTS Speaking Test, be cautious of the following common mistakes:

  1. Misusing linking words: Ensure that the linking words you use accurately represent the relationship between the ideas you’re connecting. Misusing linking words can lead to confusion and a lower coherence score.
  2. Using linking words excessively: Overusing linking words can make your speech sound unnatural and negatively affect your fluency score. Maintain a balance between using linking words and speaking naturally.
  3. Forcing linking words: Don’t force linking words into your speech if they don’t fit naturally. This can lead to awkward sentence structures and disrupt the flow of your speech.

6. Additional Resources for IELTS Speaking Test Preparation

To further improve your IELTS Speaking Test performance, consider exploring these additional resources:

Mastering the use of linking words and phrases is an essential skill for the IELTS Speaking Test. By understanding their importance, learning various types, practicing their use in context, and avoiding common mistakes, you’ll be well on your way to achieving a high band score. Remember, the key to success in the IELTS Speaking Test is consistent practice and incorporating these strategies into your daily language use.

Keep working on your linking words, pronunciation, and intonation, and make sure to review the additional resources provided above. With dedication and perseverance, you’ll improve your overall speaking skills and increase your chances of achieving the IELTS Speaking Test score you desire.

Remember, practice makes perfect. So, continue to practice using linking words and phrases, refine your skills, and you’ll be well-prepared for success on your IELTS Speaking Test. Good luck!
